Ranger Kathryn's Arches

April 30, 2012

Motley crew, and oh how I love ’em

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kathryn Colestock-Burke @ 7:41 am
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Exquisite spring 2012 ISKY crew:
Bobby, Melanie, Nathaniel, Sierra, Chris, Towns,
Kathryn, Allie, Emily, Gretchen, Mariana. Missing: Julia

You know you’re in the right place when tales of “other parks’ personnel issues” come your way, and you instantly realize you work with some of the finest people on earth. Perhaps that is hyperbole. Perhaps that is not. I lean toward the latter.

As we gathered for telescope training it became apparent that this was one of the few times when almost every one of our staff was in the same place at the same time. This mandatory sunset group photo captures our physical resemblances, but of course it’s what’s on the inside that makes our interpretive team so special.

One plays the guitar so lyrically that it slows my respirations. One’s claim to fame revolves around sewing and cooking, her repertoire being wide and deep. One has a notable gift for making every guest interaction pure joy for the visitor while thoroughly enjoying it herself. One has a heart so kind, so willing to help, that you never feel you’re imposing when you ask him for assistance. One is so Jedi-skillful with interpretation theory and techniques that she can make ANY moment an interpretive delight for us as her knitting needles create masterpieces. One brings her dance-major ‘big energy’ to every aspect of her job, being the pacesetter for us all; and yes, a staff flash mob is being choreographed. One tenacious young man is on a quest to figure out what to do with life, and we’re all enjoying cheering him on. One, the Keeper of Backcountry Lore, regularly models “interpretive haiku writing” in meeting minutes or road-closure emails. One has been a professional bakery chef, creating and sharing edible objects of beauty that match her inner radiance. One adds happiness to even the toughest day with her smile that never stops, and deep dark eyes that twinkle all the time. One intrepid one has walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain, solo, inspiring us with her spunk.

WHAT A CREW. Every last one of them enriches my life immensely by being who they are and bringing their very best to the table. When ‘co-worker’ and ‘neighbor’ and ‘friend’ describe the same dozen people without exception, it makes living up here in the wilderness a very sweet prospect. I am blessed.

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